16 July 2007

 The TV didn't work, so my only weather info is from the 'net..."isolated showers" looks to be as bad as it gets; I'm not going to worry about it.

As a precaution, I wrote down the roads and some highlights of the day's ride, and sure enough, the GPS tried to drag me off a couple of times. I was monitoring the "time at destination," and after ignoring the second off-route excursion, I picked up 75 minutes! What kind of "quickest" routing was that?

Central Florida sucks, for making time. Seemed like there was a stoplight every mile, and every one was red. For a minute or more. And it went on forever! But once traffic was moving, it moved at pretty much +10. And SR27, where it went through built-up areas, was four-lane, full-access, with crossings ever half mile or so; usually with a car/truck/van waiting to dash across or into the 65 mph stream. I hated today's ride so much I've decided not to take 27 back up. I want to get out of Florida so badly, I'm going to take I-95.

It didn't help that the day had heated up into the mid-90's, and the few "isolated showers" didn't cool things down for long. But the drops that fell were huge!

I went past my projected stopping point, as there was no accommodation there. So I'm at the Best Western in Clewiston ($99-super ouch!), but at least there's a Wal*Mart across the street ($9).

States: Georgia, Florida.
525 GPS miles (5152 total), 58.9 moving average, 116 max (still too high). 
