31 July 2007

What a great day to be riding! At least, most of it... I enjoyed it all the more because I expected it to be hot, and it wasn't (until later in the day).

I toyed momentarily with stopping at the Four Corners Monument -- I mean, I'm on a Four Corners Tour! But I didn't. I find it too depressing these days. I seem to remember, the first time I stopped there, it was just the monument, and there was no admission charge. Now, there's admission charged, and all kinds of native Americans selling whatever anybody will buy. (At least, I presume that's still the case--I haven't visited it since a trip with Susan, quite a few years ago now. Anyway, to make up for not stopping there, I stopped alongside the road a couple of times and took pictures of some interesting rocks:
Ute Mountain
Ute Mountain
Baby Rocks
and something called "Baby Rocks" (a big ol' mesa sort of spilling out toward the road).

Back in 2005 when I rode this route, I set waypoints at all the gas stations; I added a few and deleted one I wasn't sure of this time. Like that trip, my fillup in Cortez got me to Flagstaff (with maybe 10 miles to spare). Horrible construction on I-40 made the transition to I-17/89A tougher than it should have been.

And going down the switchbacks into Oak Creek Canyon, I was stopped for road construction.
Down the switchbacks into Oak Creek Canyon
I didn't mind too much, it was still fairly cool, and I was legitimately first in line, so once the pilot car let me go, I had a pretty free run through the canyon. I did finally catch up to some slower traffic toward the end, but all in all, it wasn't bad. But Sedona is getting worse all the time; it keeps growing, and is just full of tourists. And the Cottonwood / Clarkdale strip seems more crowded than it used to be. But the ride up into Jerome wasn't bad at all. There was nobody ahead of me when I started up, and the truck that pulled out half a mile ahead of me was local, knew the road, and didn't dawdle.

Coming out the other side, though, it started to rain, and I was a bit tentative, so I didn't mind the couple of cars ahead of me--they were moving fast enough for the conditions. They've totally realigned 89A into Prescott--I thought perhaps 69 was it renamed, but 69 appears in SA9, and old 89A just disappeared in MapSource 7 & 8 (it's still there in 6).

As I rode down into Peeples Valley, I could see massive rain ahead, so I made sure everything was buttoned up tight and rode into Yarnell, where it started pouring. Coming down the mountain, I didn't mind the 35 mph speed limit; it was all I wanted to do in those conditions anyway. After the heavy stuff tapered off, it continued to rain enough that I kept my faceshield down, and even after the sun came out fiercely, there was still rain falling.

Eventually, though, it stopped, and the day heated up to uncomfortable. I sucked on the water, but didn't want to stop for the wet towel. The rest of the ride was just toughing it out to Blythe, where I stayed in a Budget Inn ($33) and got groceries at Albertson's ($10).

States: Colorado, New Mexico (a mile!), Arizona, California.
515 GPS miles (11204 total), 58.3 moving average, 86.2 max.