2017 Four Corners Tour

16 July 2017

Got out at my usual time, late, and figured I'd ride for a while before getting fuel--I didn't want to give Bethlehem any more of my hard-earned cash.

Somebody noticed (complained) that I haven't had any gas drama this trip, and thought I might be mellowing. Well, maybe, but I almost had some...a chunk of that first leg was on I-93, with its 70 mph speed limit, and I watched the RTE figure approach the 'distance to gas' one. I made it, although that's the emptiest I've been this trip.

And a note on "Irving" stations: I don't usually read the screens on the pumps--I know the drill...but I caught a glimpse as I cycled my card, to the effect of 'chose grade, then swipe card.' Sure enough, the pump was preset to dispense 93 octane, and there was no way to change it without canceling the transaction. Guess I could have, but in that case (history suggests) I would have to use a different card. So they get a few more cents, and I got a lesson.

After taking a break from podcasts / music yesterday I was hoping my ears would be rested enough that I could resume, and to start it seemed so. After an hour, though, it was as uncomfortable as ever, and I was getting a headache from the stress. I toughed it out for a while, then pulled in to a handy rest area, rested, took out the music and put in earplugs and was alone in my (more comfortable) head again.

When I laid out this route, I was pretty much following my 2007 track, in reverse. Part of that was crossing the Hudson on the Rip Van Winkle Bridge on SR 23. But the Garmin software would not cross that bridge, and I couldn't find any reason why--it's not one way, and although there is a toll going east, I was going west. Even when I put a waypoint in the middle of the river, I was still routed up north to cross on 912, down I-87, onto the bridge to touch that waypoint (and then what?)...

In the event, some of the GPSs didn't have a problem with the real route (different algorithm, remember) and the one that did, relented when I got close enough.

The less said about Sunday afternoon traffic in the Catskills, the better. Hope it speeds up today.

Except I didn't make it as far as I would have liked, giving up in East Stroudsburg, PA, where the Nuvi found me a Budget Inn with a Wal*Mart a mile away. Conversation with the clerk (after remarking on the relatively low room price) gleaned me the information that the weekend was over--her rates had been in the century-teen range also on Friday and Saturday--"...it's the season."

Motel: $73.56
Groceries: $10.19
