2017 Four Corners Tour

19 July 2017

I've been reminded that if I'm running late every day, it's the new normal--I don't want it to be true, but it was long past 10 before I pulled out of the lot, and headed back east to resume my route south on US301.

The computer route had me going around Statesboro (home of Georgia Southern University); all the GPSs took me right through--without going back to check, I can't tell which one's faster. And speaking of GPSs--I can't get the Montana to follow computer-generated routes, and I think I finally figured out why.

What I do instead, since it gets all the waypoints, is have it route to them one or two at a time (it accepts one 'via'). I was doing that, and at one point it kept wanting me to turn, where all the others were just fine, routing to the same point. After ignoring it for a while, I happened to look at its 'map' page, and it appeared to be going cross-country--the others all showed we were on a road. I would have sworn I had the same map series in all of them, just to preclude stuff like this. Now I'll have to see if I can update it.

I was running low on gas, and had identified a station some miles ahead. The weather hadn't exactly been threatening, but looked like it had some rain in it. It started to sprinkle a bit when I got to the intersection--I could see what looked like a ramshackle set of pumps--must be it; then looked to my left and up the road a bit was a bright lit-up sign that was the real thing. Just as I pulled under the overhang, the skies opened up with a real frog-strangler. It was coming down!

And as I was refitting the tank bag, a couple of things fell out; when I crouched down to retrieve them, my left leg felt strange--not the leg itself, but the pants--the zipper had pulled apart. Now that just sucks!

After singing the praises of Aerostich, it pains me to say that this particular suit has not worked as well as my previous ones. The jacket zipper has always had the problem of grabbing the suit fabric and jamming if I'm not really careful pulling it up, and both leg zippers catch the lining at the bottom, jamming there, too. Most of the pulls have been replaced by zip-ties, and there are teeth missing in the leg zippers (which is probably why it gave out). And the complete 'pull mechanism' on the bottom-opening jacket front fell off two days ago. Don't know if this one's a lemon, or if their quality control has suffered, but I'm getting ready to try Motoport.

Anyway, I was able to close it up again using the bottom (opening) zipper pulling up, but I don't know how fragile it is now. Step gingerly.

The rain came down heavy for about 20 minutes, and I waited it out. Once I left, and got three miles east, the pavement was dry, and the weather was back to hot 'n' muggy--if I hadn't needed gas, I might have toughed it out and saved...who knows? Time, for sure, and maybe my 'Stich pants. Made my way over to I-95, and headed south, making up time. Stopped at a rest stop for a break, and had to fix my pants again. Not sure how this is going to work out--I might have to sew that zipper together, and climb in and out without boots. Or maybe stop somewhere and buy something...

Needed gas sooner than I'd hoped--70 mph is bad for mileage. And looking south is...nasty. Looked at "weather.com" on the phone, and there's a massive cell sitting over Vero Beach, which is where I was planning to spend the night. Titusville, just down the road a ways, is still clear, and I know there are a bunch of motels there, 'cause we stayed there in 2010.

So I'm in another Days Inn, at almost the exact same price as last night's (and a much nicer room). But no groceries; there's an attached IHOP, it'll have to do.

Motel: $78.62
Dinner (and a candy bar): $15.09
