2017 Four Corners Tour

25 July 2017

Once again I started the day's ride with a short jaunt to fill up with fuel--this one just 20 miles. (Yeah, same starting sentence as yesterday. What can I say, I'm a creature of habit.) I'd hoped to make it a bit farther, except that chosen station was at the RTE distance, so when I saw a handy Cenex, I popped in.

Then I started the stair-stepping northwest around the 'great circle' line, skirting Topeka via US56 and SR99, across I-70 up to Westmoreland, and west across the Tuttle Creek Reservoir.

Tuttle Creek Reservoir

A note about the weather--when I'd gone to the lobby for breakfast, it was very pleasant--mid 70s, a bit of breeze. By the time I went out to pack the bike, it was low 90s and climbing. And it didn't cool off, so wet neck towel, and suck water regularly.

Took a break in Waterville...I sorta feel bad about using the facilities and not buying something, but I mentally tell them "I buy gas at half my stops, it's just not your turn..."

I turned north off of US36 onto US81; as I did so the RTE gauge lit up, and showed 46 miles remaining, which is usually a bit optimistic. This normally wouldn't trigger anything, but for some reason I checked the Nuvi for 'fuel on my route,' which claimed 44 miles. I'd passed a Love's complex just after that turn, so I did the smart thing, hung a U-ey and went back to fill up.

Some more right turns--I don't know why, but the GPSs generally don't agree: two will want to turn in 6.5 miles, the other two in 14.6, and it's not always the same ones agreeing. But the speed limit on all these roads is 60, so it probably doesn't matter much. Nobody seems to speed, either, +5 is pushing it, +3 is about average. So that's what I do--not like there are a lot of curves slowing anybody down.

I'd set Kearney as my 'end of the day' target--a short day, but facilities seemed limited at the more extreme range, and I had to do laundry. There are a bunch of chain motels on the south side, adjacent to the Interstate, but no grocery stores within walking distance of any of them.

So I picked the Super 8, and wandered out to see what food I could scarf--gas station convenience store food might do, but I see "Firehouse Subs," and since I've been eating Wal*Mart subs anyway, pick up one of their recommended specials, a small bag of chips and a cookie, donating the change to their 'first responders' fund. Also troubled them for a few dollars in quarters for the laundry.

Except the machine (which I had checked for before wandering out) is in use when I got back; waited half an hour and it was free, did my laundry and actually got to bed before 10. Which means I should be able to get an earlier start, and some make-up miles in today.

Wish me luck.

Motel: $66.82
Groceries: $13
