Summer Sojourn, Day 07
The order of the day was to finish the floor in the shed. We wanted an
early start, since the day was threatened to be warm (early being 8:30).
In this picture you can see a pipe stub sticking through the sand; this is going
to be the pivot for a pallet turntable that will ease access to the wood
for stoking the furnace.
This shows the mixing station; we didn't dump all the aggregate out of
the scoop, hoping we wouldn't need it all—and we didn't.
Enough progress that the plywood ramp is removed.
Finished. The transition between the old and new isn't quite as
smooth as one would hope, but we'll clean it up once everything is dried.
A bit of slope to the door; there's some slump right at the corner
that was smoothed out after it set a bit.