Summer Sojourn, Day 19

Although the chance of rain was only 60%, it started around 10, and continued through much of the day, sometimes heavily.

We managed to pick two shopping bags-ful of beans before it hit, and X washed out the gutters on the machine shed during an hour respite.
Gutter wash

The rest of the day was taken up with mounting the fuel tank—bespoke straps made from bracing strips welded to all-thread; that tank isn't going anywhere!


Plumbing the clutch took some thought and experimentation. The original tubing was nylon (we think), but wasn't long enough. Before we'd realized there would be a problem, we just cut it off—and discovered it was almost impossible to work with.

Fortunately, it's the same diameter as brake line, so compression fittings are doing the job of making the transitions. Bleeding the line may be a problem, it snakes up and down to get where it has to go.

Pedal end...


Motor end...
