2017 Four Corners Tour - The Road to Madawaska

10 July 2017

Although the riding day was going to be fairly short, I had to be at the ferry dock in Manitowoc an hour before the 1400 departure time. So of course I was packed and ready to go early.

Stopped for fuel in Mosinee, then headed east on SR153--this wasn't the fastest, or most direct route, but I had plenty of time. Until I hit a detour that wanted me to go north. There was a road heading south, except I had no idea where it went, or if it ever hooked back up to my intended path. (Although I was born and raised in central Wisconsin, we hardly ever went east of Mosinee.)

So I detoured northeast for about five miles, then east to SR29 (which happened to be part of the 'most direct/fastest' route); I stayed on it to US45, and got back on my route...where I shortly got stopped for road construction. Geeze...I'm watching my half hour of slack shrink to 15 minutes, and I won't have time to make it up.`

But just past Green Bay I get onto I-43 and take it down to where it merges with US10, then that into Manitowoc. (The ferry 'carries' US10 across the lake to Michigan.) Following my route along the lakefront, I see a line of traffic queued up where I want to turn in, so I make a U-turn and get in behind.

Finally, I get to the clipboard (actually some kind of tablet) person, who asks my name, then points me to where a couple of bikes are already waiting. We exchange stories for a while; a couple more bikes show up, etc. Meanwhile, cars are being driven aboard and passengers are meandering along the quay. Finally we're told to drive on, and are directed to place the front wheel against a starboard rib and use a couple of tie-downs to secure the bikes to the floor grating, then check aboard with another clipboard (tablet)-wielding person. (They never did more than ask my name--I never had to show them any kind of proof, although I had the 'confirmation' email printed out.)

I went topside and watched them back some motorhomes and semis aboard--there was a huge tank on a trailer, but I guess there wasn't room for it this trip, because just before 1400 they closed up the stern gate and we were off, with a lot of scraping along the sea wall--I'd wondered why it looked so substantial--anchored with cables to tie-downs ashore--but it's part of how they warp the ferry around and get it pointed in the right direction.

Not much to say about the crossing; the lake was calm, the weather was good--fortunately, since I didn't have a jacket (except for the 'Stich, down on the bike). There are things to do aboard--movies, bingo, food, video games, kiddie stuff--but I mostly wandered the deck and read. (Six laps topside = a mile.) I was carrying one of my GPSs, which showed us moving at 16 mph. Halfway across, I checked my phone and was somewhat surprised to see I had a good strong LTE signal--the Google map showed a blue dot smack dab in the middle of the lake.

We got to Luddington right on time, backed into the dock, the big rigs unloaded, and the passengers started pushing their way out. Not sure how we were to get the bikes off, I waited a bit, then made my way down. "Motorcycle?" one of the attendants asked; then pointed me over, and said "...just ride out." So I unstrapped, suited up, and headed over to the motel I'd made 'Trip Advisor' reservations at.

"Mr Fulton?" she asked? Close enough... No grocery stores handy, so I motored a couple of miles out to a Wal*Mart and got dinner / breakfast fixings. Eastern/Daylight time, so it's much later than I thought, even more so in the morning.

Motel: $87.69
Groceries: $12.52
